• Delivery Day at the Fort Wadsworth Food Pantry

    13 December 2023: At the heart of the SSG Michael Ollis Freedom Foundation lies an unwavering commitment to support and uplift communities. Recently, the Foundation had the honor of participating in a profound and heartwarming event at the Fort Wadsworth Food Pantry. Delivery Day emerged as a testament to the power of collective generosity and compassion.

    Amidst the backdrop of camaraderie and goodwill, friends and supporters of the Foundation came together to extend a hand to those in need. Their contributions, whether big or small, illuminated the essence of giving – a force that transcends boundaries and touches lives in profound ways.

    The spirit of giving was palpable as donations poured in, embodying the selflessness and dedication championed by SSG Michael Ollis himself. Each item brought forth symbolized more than just sustenance; it represented hope, solidarity, and the unwavering support of a community united in its resolve to make a difference.

    Volunteers, embodying the spirit of service and carrying forward SSG Ollis’s legacy, worked tirelessly to ensure the seamless organization and distribution of these contributions. Their commitment and enthusiasm were nothing short of inspiring, reflecting the Foundation’s core values of compassion and dedication.

    The impact of this collective effort reverberated through the Fort Wadsworth community. Families and individuals receiving these provisions were touched by the outpouring of kindness. Their smiles and gratitude echoed the profound impact of the Foundation’s ongoing mission.

    Bob and Linda Door Dashing the Ft. Wadsworth Pantry

    To all those who contributed, whether through donations, time, or support, the Foundation extends its deepest gratitude. Your generosity serves as a beacon of hope, lighting the way for a brighter future for those in need. Together, we continue to honor the legacy of SSG Michael Ollis by making a tangible difference in the lives of others.

    As we reflect on Delivery Day at the Fort Wadsworth Food Pantry, let us carry forward the spirit of giving and continue to uplift communities in need. The Foundation remains committed to its mission, fueled by the unwavering support of its friends and advocates. Your dedication ensures that the legacy of SSG Michael Ollis lives on, touching countless lives and fostering a world built on compassion and unity.

    Thank you for being a part of this incredible journey and for embodying the values that define the SSG Michael Ollis Freedom Foundation. Together, we create ripples of positive change that resonate far and wide.

    Thank you to all the friends of the SSG Michael Ollis Freedom Foundation for their generosity!

  • Unveiling the Michael Ollis Dining Hall: A Symbol of Community and Honor at the US Army Garrison in Poland

    On October 27th 2023, the new garrison’s dining hall at Camp Kosciuszko in Poznan, Poland was named in Michael’s honor. It was a very beautiful, emotional ceremony. Thank you to all US Military and Polish Ministry of Defense who made this possible. The Ollis family were special guests as well as Ret. Lt. Karol Cierpica.

    The Michael Ollis Dining Hall stands as a testament to the commitment and camaraderie within the US Army stationed in Poland. This dining facility serves not just as a place for meals but as a hub for fostering unity, honoring service, and building connections among military personnel and their allies.

    Stars and Stripes Article details more of the ceremony here: https://www.stripes.com/branches/army/2023-10-31/poznan-army-10th-mountain-ollis-11890476.html